Curly Communication Cords

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At what point do we stop and look at the world around us and think about the things we see as technology shifts our customer and client behaviors?

Things are changing so fast – many of us remember when our telephone extension was the length of the curly cord we drug around the corner as we squeezed our slimline between our shoulder and cheek while we talked.  Remember dangling the receiver by the cord as you let it untangle itself?

Today, the cords are much different. They’re still curly but have a much different feel because the cord is no longer physical but instead is emotional. The cords of today’s communication devices have morphed into curly emotions.

So in your review of your communication cords, stop and think about if your clients and customers want to call you or remain distanced and only text and email? Does your communication cord make them feel good about them taking the time to chat or does it feel like they want to be distant and lost in the crowd? Are you just another service tool or are you a valued resource? In what condition are your cords and look for ways to keep them untangled and desired.

Strive to make 2021 the year of the quality curly customer cords – it’s all about how your customers and clients feel.

Val Stilwell, MScs
Communication Strategist